Simultaneous analysis of circulating 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3, 25-hydroxy-vitamin D2, retinol, tocopherols, carotenoids, and oxidized and reduced coenzyme Q10 by high performance liquid chromatography with photo diode-array detection using C18 and C30 column

Published on Thursday, 09 June 2016


Circulating lipid-phase micronutrients (LPM) such as 25-hydroxylated D vitamers, retinol, tocopherols, carotenoids including their isomers, and coenzyme Q10 play important roles in health maintenance and disease prevention and can serve as useful biomarkers.

We developed fast, affordable, and accurate HPLC assays that simultaneously measured all above LPM in a single run using UV/VIS detection at 265nm, 295nm, and 480nm with (1) a C18 column alone; (2) a C30 column alone; or (3) each of these columns connected in series.

The C18 column alone could separate all major LPM of interest in less than 17min but insufficiently resolved the lycopene isomers, the 25-hydroxylated D vitamers, lutein from zeaxanthin and β- from γ-tocopherol.

The C30 column alone separated all LPM of interest including many isomeric analytes but failed to resolve the Q10 compounds, which co-eluted with carotenoids.

Connecting the C18 and C30 columns in series with a detector after the C30 column and a pressure resistant detector between the columns resulted in ideal resolution and accurate quantitation of all LPM of interest but required software capable of processing the acquired data from both detectors.

Connecting the C18 and C30 columns in series with exclusively one detector after the C30 column resulted in carotenoid-Q10 interferences, however, this was remedied by heart-cutting 2D-LC with a 6-port valve between the columns, which resolved all analytes in 42min. Faster run times led to some analytes not being resolved.

Many variations of these methods are possible to meet the needs of individual requirements while minimizing sample material and turn-around-times.


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See also:

- All-Trans-Retinoic Acid (ATRA - analogues and/or derivatives);

- Solution of retinoids in vitamin E in the Di Bella Method biological multitherapy;

- Vitamin D (analogues and/or derivatives) and cancer.