The Role of Vitamin E in Prostate Cancer

Published on Monday, 24 June 2019


This chapter reviews the current literature linking vitamin E to prostate cancer with the overall goal of providing a rationale for the design of potential future large-scale clinical chemoprevention studies.

Vitamin E is not a single organic compound and refers to at least four tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta) and four corresponding tocotrienols.

Much of the literature linking vitamin E with cancer does not distinguish between these various isoforms and has primarily focused on alpha-tocopherol which is the primary vitamin E isoform found in plasma from fasting individuals and in most dietary supplements.

Considerable evidence now supports the view that the various isoforms of vitamin E (and their chemical derivatives) have distinct biochemical properties and distinct abilities to modulate oxidative stress, signal transduction pathways, and pathophysiological processes important in carcinogenesis (e.g., apoptosis and angiogenesis).

This chapter reviews the recent clinical trials as well as the in vitro and in vivo evidence connecting the various isoforms of vitamin E with prostate cancer. Particular emphasis is placed on gamma-tocopherol, the primary dietary isoform of vitamin E.

A major conclusion is that some non-alpha-tocopherol forms of vitamin E hold considerable promise for both the chemoprevention and chemotherapy of prostate cancer.


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See also:

- Official Web Site: The Di Bella Method;

- The Di Bella Method (A Fixed Part - Alpha tocopheryl acetate/Vitamin E, approximately 20 grams per day orally);

- Solution of retinoids in vitamin E in the Di Bella Method biological multitherapy;

- All-Trans-Retinoic Acid (ATRA - analogues and/or derivatives) - In vitro, review and in vivo publications;

- The Di Bella Method (A Fixed Part - All-Trans Retinoic Acid, Analogues and/or Derivatives - Approximately 60mg per day orally: 40mg per day Beta-Carotene/β-Carotene, 10mg per day ATRA and 10mg per day Axerophthol palmitate);

- The Di Bella Method (A Variable Part - Selenium methonine, 40 μg capsules, twice a day);

- The Di Bella Method (A Variable Part - Omega 3 Essential/Unsaturated Fatty Acids. From 1.5 grams up to 3.0 grams per day orally);

- The Di Bella Method (A Fixed Part - Vitamin C/Ascorbic Acid, 2–4 grams, twice a day orally);

- The Di Bella Method (A Fixed Part - Cyclophosphamide 50mg tablets and/or Hydroxyurea 500mg tablets, one or two per day);

- Beta-Carotene or β-carotene in Solution of retinoids in vitamin E in the Di Bella Method biological multitherapy;

- The Di Bella Method (DBM) in the treatment of prostate cancer: a preliminary retrospective study of 16 patients and a review of the literature;

- The Synergism of Somatostatin, Melatonin, Vitamins Prolactin and Estrogen Inhibitors Increased Survival, Objective Response and Performance Status In 297 Cases of Breast Cancer;

- Complete objective response, stable for 5 years, with the Di Bella Method, of multiple-metastatic carcinoma of the breast;

- Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of the first-line treatment with somatostatin combined with melatonin, retinoids, vitamin D3, and low doses of cyclophosphamide in 20 cases of breast cancer: a preliminary report;

- The Di Bella Method (DBM) improved survival, objective response and performance status in a retrospective observational clinical study on 122 cases of breast cancer;

- Complete objective response to biological therapy of plurifocal breast carcinoma;

- Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme (grade IV – WHO 2007): a case of complete objective response achieved by means of the concomitant administration of Somatostatin and Octreotide – Retinoids – Vitamin E – Vitamin D3 – Vitamin C – Melatonin – D2 R agonists (Di Bella Method – DBM) associated with Temozolomide;

- The Di Bella Method DBM improved survival objective response and performance status in a retrospective observational clinical study on 23 tumours of the head and neck;

- Somatostatin, retinoids, melatonin, vitamin D, bromocriptine, and cyclophosphamide in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients with low performance status;

- Somatostatin, retinoids, melatonin, vitamin D, bromocriptine, and cyclophosphamide in chemotherapy-pretreated patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma and low performance status;

- Observations on the Report of a case of pulmonary adenocarcinoma with lymph node, hepatic and osseus metastasis;

- Neuroblastoma: Complete objective response to biological treatment;

- Oesophageal squamocellular carcinoma: a complete and objective response.