Differential binding to soluble nuclear receptors and effects on cell viability of retinol and retinoic acid in cultured retinoblastoma cells

Published on Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Human retinoblastoma cells in culture contain soluble receptors for both 3H-retinol and 3H-retinoic acid which are separate and distinct as assessed by specificity, enzyme susceptibility and binding affinity.

Total cellular binding of retinol correlates well with its rapid effect on cell mortality.

A limited number of soluble nuclear receptor sites for 3H-retinoic acid but not 3H-retinol are observed after incubation of the 3H-retinoid with intact cells indicating a possible preferential effect of retinoic acid at the gene level.


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See also:

- All-Trans-Retinoic Acid (ATRA - analogues and/or derivatives);

- Solution of retinoids in vitamin E in the Di Bella Method biological multitherapy.