Melatonin is a ubiquitous molecule with a broad spectrum of functions including widespread anti-cancer activities.
Identifying how melatonin intervenes in complex molecular signaling at the gene level is essential to guide proper therapies.
Using meta-analysis approach, herein we examined the role of melatonin in regulating the expression of 46 microRNAs (miRNAs) and their target genes in breast, oral, gastric, colorectal, and prostate cancers, and glioblastoma.
The deregulated miRNA-associated target genes revealed their involvement in the regulation of cellular proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, senescence, and autophagy.
Melatonin changes the expression of miRNA-associated genes in breast, gastric, and oral cancers.
These genes are associated with cellular senescence, the hedgehog signaling pathway, cell proliferation, p53 signaling, and the hippo signaling pathway.
Conversely, colorectal and prostate cancers as well as glioblastoma and oral carcinoma present a clear pattern of less pronounced changes in the expression of miRNA-associated genes. Most notably, colorectal cancer displayed a unique molecular change in response to melatonin
Considering breast cancer network complexity, we compared the genes found during the meta-analysis with RNA-Seq data from breast cancer-bearing mice treated with melatonin.
Mechanistically, melatonin upregulated genes associated with immune responses and apoptotic processes, whereas it downregulated genes involved in cellular aggressiveness/metastasis (eg, mitosis, telomerase activity, and angiogenesis).
We further characterized the expression profile of our gene subsets with human breast cancer and found eight upregulated genes and 16 downregulated genes that were appositively correlated with melatonin.
Our results pose a multi-dimension network of tumor-associated genes regulated by miRNAs potentially targeted by melatonin.
The Di Bella's Method: Use of Melatonin and pseudo-Metronomic Chemotherapy Cyclophosphamide and/or Hydroxyurea (together with others chemical compounds) in Breast Cancer:
- Complete objective response to biological therapy of plurifocal breast carcinoma;
See also:
- Official Web Site: The Di Bella Method;
- Melatonin use in cancer patients have started in 1974, when melatonin prepared according to Prof. Di Bella’s formulation [...]. For 11 days was administered to the patient, admitted to the general medical ward at the Maggiore-Pizzardi Hospital in Bologna, very slowly (over approx. 8 hours) and intravenously administered 1000 mg of melatonin for 11 days. During the course of each day, the patient was intravenously administered 4 saline drips of 500 ml, each containing ten 25 mg bottles of freeze-dried melatonin, lasting 2 hours, totaling 1000 mg per day. No other drug of any kind was administered in order to ascertain the effect of the MLT without interference [...]. From Melatonin with adenosine solubilized in water and stabilized with glycine for oncological treatment - technical preparation, effectivity and clinical findings;
- About Melatonin - In vitro, review and in vivo publications;
- Publication: Melatonin anticancer effects: Review (from Di Bella's Foundation);
- Publication: Key aspects of melatonin physiology: 30 years of research (from Di Bella's Foundation);
- The Di Bella Method (A Fixed Part - Dihydrotachysterol, Alfacalcidol, synthetic Vitamin D3);
- Vitamin D (analogues and/or derivatives) and cancer - In vitro, review and in vivo publications;
- Solution of retinoids in vitamin E in the Di Bella Method biological multitherapy;
- The Di Bella Method (A Fixed Part - Calcium, 2 grams per day, orally);
- The Di Bella Method (A Fixed Part - Bromocriptine and/or Cabergoline);
- Prolactin inhibitors in oncology - In vitro, review and in vivo publications;
- Somatostatin in oncology, the overlooked evidences - In vitro, review and in vivo publications;
- Publication, 2018 Jul: Over-Expression of GH/GHR in Breast Cancer and Oncosuppressor Role of Somatostatin as a Physiological Inhibitor (from Di Bella's Foundation);
- Publication, 2019 Aug: The Entrapment of Somatostatin in a Lipid Formulation: Retarded Release and Free Radical Reactivity (from Di Bella's Foundation);
- Publication, 2019 Sep: Effects of Somatostatin and Vitamin C on the Fatty Acid Profile of Breast Cancer Cell Membranes (from Di Bella's Foundation);
- Publication, 2019 Sep: Effects of somatostatin, curcumin, and quercetin on the fatty acid profile of breast cancer cell membranes (from Di Bella's Foundation);
- Publication, 2020 Sep: Two neuroendocrine G protein-coupled receptor molecules, somatostatin and melatonin: Physiology of signal transduction and therapeutic perspectives (from Di Bella's Foundation);
The Di Bella's Method: Use of Melatonin and pseudo-Metronomic Chemotherapy Cyclophosphamide and/or Hydroxyurea - together with others chemical compounds - in several Oncological Pathologies:
- Pleural Mesothelioma: clinical records on 11 patients treated with Di Bella's Method;
- Malignant pleural mesothelioma, stage T3-T4. Consideration of a case study;
- Neuroblastoma: Complete objective response to biological treatment;
- Large B-cells Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Stage IV-AE: a Case Report;
- Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Stage III-B-E: a Case Report;
- Oesophageal squamocellular carcinoma: a complete and objective response;
- Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: clinical records on 17 patients treated with Di Bella's Method;