Paralytic ileus responding to somatostatin therapy: first manifestation of a VIPoma
20 January 2015 |
Use of long-acting somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 in patients with pancreatic islet cell tumors
20 January 2015 |
The relationship between somatostatin, epidermal growth factor, and steroid hormone receptors in breast cancer
19 November 2014 |
Oncological applications of somatostatin analogues
27 March 2014 |
Occurrence of a hormone-sensitive inhibitory coupling component of the adenylate cyclase in S49 lymphoma cyc- variants
12 November 2013 |
Effects of the pineal hormone melatonin on the proliferation and morphological characteristics of human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) in culture
05 November 2013 |
Somatostatin analogues inhibit growth of pancreatic cancer by stimulating tyrosine phosphatase
29 October 2013 |
The clinical significance of melatonin serum determination in oncological patients and its correlations with GH and PRL blood levels
25 October 2013 |
Antiprogestins, a new form of endocrine therapy for human breast cancer
15 September 2013 |
Retinoids in Cutaneous T Cell Lymphomas
30 June 2013 |