Published on Monday, 04 March 2013
March 1998. Prof Luigi Di Bella with his two sons: Adolfo (Lawyer) and Giuseppe (MD. PhD.). On July 1st, 2003 both his sons inherited the legacy of knowledge, experience, successes and compassion for the fellow human being which were the basis of their father's greatness. Since then, they have been continuing his work assisting the thousands of former and new patients through the Di Bella Foundation
This website wants to be a tribute to the amazing work of these three great men through a display of summarized reports on case studies (followed by themselves or by those who embraced the Method) and achievements collected in more than 30 years of research on the DBM (Di Bella Method).
If you came through this website it means you are looking for hope; then continue scrolling down the page and you will find more than hope, you will meet the people they saved!
Aspetti chiave nella Fisiologia della Melatonina: trent'anni di ricerche.
Cancro: siamo sulla strada giusta?
Cura Di Bella: la nostra verità.
Di Bella, l'uomo, la cura, la speranza.
Egregio Professor Di Bella.
Guarire si può con il Metodo Di Bella.
Il professore della speranza.
La multiterapia biologica razionale dei tumori: il Metodo Di Bella.
Non morirai di questo male.
Si può guarire? La mia vita, il mio metodo, la mia verità.
Grazie Professore. Viaggio verso la guarigione.
Un po' di verità sulla terapia Di Bella.
Key aspects of the physiology of melatonin: thirty years of research.
Cancer: are we on the right track?
Di Bella therapy: our truth
Di Bella, the Man, the Cure, a Hope for All.
Egregious Professor Di Bella.
Healing is possible with the Di Bella method.
The rational biological multitherapy of tumors: the Di Bella Method.
You mill not die of this disease.
Can it be cured? My life, my way, my truth.
Thank you, professor Di Bella. Journey back to health.
A bit of truth about Di Bella therapy.
English, French, German, Italian and Spanish
English, Italian and Spanish