Di Bella Method, war among white coats!
«Combined effects of melatonin and all-trans retinoic acid and somatostatin on breast cancer cell proliferation and death.». Is the title of a research conducted by the University of Florence (Functional Unit of Haematology - Department of Physiological Sciences - Department of Anatomy, Histology, Forensic Medicine) and just published on European Journal of Pharmacology.
Evidence that all these substances stop breast cancer occurred in a laboratory of the department of human anatomy, on cells in vitro. The three substances, taken individually, have a large history of scientific literature as anti-cancer drugs. But the same active substances, used together, each strengthening the other, are part of the Di Bella method (in vivo!). That is the debated therapy developed by the Sicilian scientist Luigi Di Bella that was tried in 1998 and found to be ineffective by the committees responsible.
The action of the Di Bella Method is actually more complex than that of the three drugs tested in vitro but it is true that the Florentine researchers have focused on three key molecules of the Di Bella treatment without however making any mention of it!
Says Professor Lucia Formigli head of the Department of Anatomy and head of the study:
«I am a researcher, I want to stay out of polemics. We have an excellent laboratory of molecular biology and started two years ago to analyze cells: I must say that we got excellent results.»
Such as?
«The synergistic action of the three substances showed a reduction of the proliferation of breast cancer. It is effective the fact that all three are used together, but it is good to remind that ours is a work in vitro.»
On the abstract there is a phrase that has infuriated Di Bella's patients, you wrote that the three substances «...have never been completely combined in the treatment of breast cancer.»
«It wasn't me who wanted that phrase - argues professor Formigli -. The idea to investigate the three molecules came from my pharmacy student, very good.»
The student is Nicola Pacini, 34, a new graduate in pharmacy and biology, that Il Giornale was able to interview.
Pacini, are you the author of that phrase?
«If it were up to me I would not have put it in, but it's true that the three molecules have never been tested together.»
Are you sure? Di Bella has published 122 cases of breast cancer regressed with these three substances combined, he has tested them on people, you on the slides...
«To have the consensus of the scientific community we had to start from scratch!»
Explain better.
«The scientific community is too closed, they would have never accepted a work signed Di Bella!»
Neuroendocrinology Letters and Gynecological Cancer accepted them.
«The scientific community considers them works too self referential and the magazines "biased"»
But you copied them.
«Di Bella was the first to have understood, in the 60s and 70s, that to stop cancer biological treatment is more effective than chemotherapy!»
You could have proved your gratitude by writing the name Di Bella in the biography.
«I am a supporter of the Di Bella method, not a thief, I have not stolen anything.»
But is it normal that to be accepted by the scientific community one should conceal the paternity of a discovery?
«It is not the first time, the world is what it is and we're in the middle of it.»
Here we are talking about a cancer therapy.
«I know very well, that is why I have behaved in this way: in order to make accepted a model in which I believe, I act in an aseptic way, starting from scratch»
Is it true that you have already prepared a work on colon cancer?
«Yes, the three molecules are also effective on colon cancer!»
And will you include the name Di Bella in the biography?
«I will»
Translated by: Davide Iafrate
Read here the original article (Italian language) by journalist Gioia Locati.