The melatonin deception
Antioxidant and anti-tumor. No side effects. Regulates the endocrine system and mood (i.e., a lot of us). Dilutes the blood and raises the number of platelets. Studies in industrial quantities will prove beneficial in many cancers, yet we have always been told "that promotes good sleep" and that's it.
It is melatonin!
Lies? Lies. But as long as there was no Internet, the scene was holding. Now that PubMed arrives on your smartphone, tablet, cellular phone and so on, it can happen, by clicking tamoxifen to find an outdated study, published in the British Journal of Cancer in 1995 (!) that reveals: "After observing, in women with metastatic breast cancer that tamoxifen is not effective any longer, were added 20 mg of melatonin per day and the anti-estrogen drug has resumed operation" (Lissoni et al., see below).
One of the last works published on PLoS ONE in January 2014 (see "Effect of Melatonin on Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis in Xenograft Model of Breast Cancer"), cured by Brazilian and American researchers, confirms that angiogenesis of breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo, stops under the action of Melatonin.
And - pay attention - not only it refers to non-aggressive tumors, those who generally respond to hormones, but also the triple negative. It measures the growth factors, the epidermal, vascular treatments, the insulin and it turns out that with the right dosage of Melatonin the peaks of elevation they block.
Things already have been written, for the truth. Here is a nice synthesis of research by Prof. Luigi Di Bella, the first physician to prescribe the drug (naturally produced by our body, not only by the epiphysis and therefore is not patentable!) in cancer patients. Signed by his son M.D. Giuseppe Di Bella and the researcher Luciano Gualano that for years has supported the research of the professor.
Things already said (and practiced) also by another great scholar, the oncologist Paolo Lissoni, who has published 600 works on melatonin and is still in force at the San Gerardo Hospital in Monza (Italy): "In the treatment of the metastatic patients, we give dosages of 100 to 200 mg per day. Surprising are the results on lung and brain tumors, as well as on the breast and colon!".
Right up to Christmas 2013 we had just told ourselves a big lie! It is the substance that almost has zero side effects, suitable for the prevention of tumors for those who already had cancer and for those who have not had it yet (from 10 mg up to a day according by Di Bella's prescription or M.D. Sergio Stagnaro), which at high doses fights the tumor protecting the marrow adjusting the immune system, but like other anticancer molecules and dated, on all the Somatostatin, which has the patent expired, is not taken into consideration from our oncology which applys the protocols (set, combination on drugs new and ultra expensive).
But right up to Christmas 2013 you could still buy it over the counter in a pharmacy. Without a medical prescription you could bring home 3mg tablets, with an aligning lifltet saying "For jet lag disorder!".
Since the 1st January 2014 the ambush to melatonin has become more brazen. It is prohibited to free sale (!), it needs a prescription!
For what? For 2mg of melatonin it is sold like weight of gold. Before 3mg costing 10 cents a tablet, but now (ouch!) 1€ per pill (from the low dosage). Ten times so, any reference to the scandal Avastin-Lucentis is not accidental!
But who will appeal? And who made these decisions and why?
The measure taken depends on the Ministry of Health, Department for Food Safety [1, Italian language only]. The dose by integrator (the one purchased without a prescription) was lowered to 1mg, right up at the face to the volume of studies of anticancer, it is estimated that a misereable 1mg is only needed to fall asleep.
For Paolo Lissoni, this option: "Is a crime against humanity. It would have had to be done opposite, increase the mg per tablet rather than decrease them!".
If we compare the Melatonin hoax to the Avastin denied for greed, we must also recognize that, in this case, the patients (informed) can be saved, thanks to galenic Melatonin!
Translated by: Fortuna Volpe;
Read here the original article (Italian language) by journalist Gioia Locati.