"I am an oncologist and I will explain why the Medicine excludes Di Bella"
Paolo Lissoni, an oncologist at the San Gerardo Hospital in Monza, highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the Di Bella therapy and concludes: "When conventional therapies fail it might be applied the Di Bella method!".
Paolo Lissoni, 57 years old, oncologist and endocrinologist. Works in San Gerardo Hospital in Monza (Italy) since 1985. He was awarded by the National Cancer Institute in Washington for his researches on the pineal gland, on this topic he has published 600 works!
The oncology department of Monza is the only one in Italy that offers, in addition to the traditional therapy, a "complementary one".
That is?
"The field of alternative anti-cancer therapies (used in combination with chemotherapy and radio) is very extensive: mistletoe, aloe, graviola, scorpion venom, turmeric, myrrh. We gave priority to the naturally produced substances by our body. The pineal gland produces Melatonin and four other molecules derived from amino acids. These molecules - are fundamental for regulating the immune system, dosing the endorphins (which give well-being), and promoting the processes of consciousness - which vary depending on the hours of light!".
So you propose melatonin to cancer patients?
"We know for years that a sick cancer patient produces very low levels of these substances produced by the pineal Melatonin above all. All physico-chemical processes are altered in those with cancer. "Do you give Melatonin during or after chemotherapy? "After and during to reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy. Melatonin has antioxidant properties, anti-proliferative, enhances the immune system (increases the release of Interleukin 2 by T lymphocytes), contrasts the lack of platelets and cachexia that are the weakness and weight loss typical of those who make a chemo... "
The discovery of Luigi Di Bella...
"Exactly, the whole world should be grateful for that. Melatonin sets in motion at least 20 anti-cancer mechanisms... "
But not all oncologists inform us of this...
"We do!"
Take melatonin in the hospital?
"Years ago, yes, but not anymore. We prescribe it and one can buy it in any pharmacy among the counter products!".
Let's talk about Di Bella
"The issue affects me emotionally. In the eighties I met Prof Luigi Di Bella, I contacted him to compare with him my studies on the pineal gland. I found a common ground but my attempts to reconcile the two oncology, traditional and dibelliana are sadly failed... "
Why is that?
“On the one hand there is the mental dullness of the traditional oncology that does not know or want to know the biological aspect, on the other the Di Bella therapy that had (and still has!) the major limitation of not having a clinical trial!".
But there are those who heal from cancer with the Di Bella therapy.
It's not enough to say: one is healed. How many patients have done well and how many bad? This situation has gone on for 25 years. The Di Bella multitherapy must follow the clinical trial that the whole world follows. Otherwise things get confused, and we will never understand the effectiveness of traditional care compared to the Di Bella one".
If it were you to decide how would you behave?
"I would pick up data and would join forces: to the patients who do not respond to the traditional therapy i would give the Di Bella one".
So you would propose it after it was verified that the traditional therapy failed, why?
"It can be a way to reconcile the scientific positions and finally be able to test the results on the field. Even you are confirming that you gathered a lot of stories of patients that after the failure of the traditional they matched well with the Di Bella one... "
There is another limitation of the method of Bella?
"The immunological aspect of the treatment of cancer has been known for only a few years, I know that Giuseppe Di Bella occasionally includes in the cocktail Interleukins 2 (substances produced by T lymphocytes) to strengthen the immune system".
A positive aspect of the Di Bella therapy (in addition to melatonin?)
"The fact that chemotherapy is administered in small doses was a brilliant idea of Luigi Di Bella, these days just started the practice of "metronomic" which means treatment with the lowest dose of chemotherapy at short intervals of time".
Small doses to avoid the phenomenon of chemo-resistance?
"This side must be studied. What is certain however is that small doses do not poison the body and have antiangiogenic and immunostimulatory effects (i.e., they prevent the formation of new blood vessels necessary for tumors to grow.)
So, for or against Di Bella?
"It makes no sense to say 'pros and cons', I'd say everyone should give their best and it would work if the dialogue was only scientific, but it is clear that other interests come into play. The Di Bella therapy is the tip of the iceberg that opens up a huge issue: the relationship between science and human culture!".
Trancripted by: Alina Mina Leonard
Read here the original article (Italian language) by journalist Gioia Locati.